Jeremy Jones’ Further Trailer

Every once in a while I take a step back from the daily grind to think about how far Karakoram has come in the last three years. Watching the Further trailer is one of these moments. We started making production bindings in our garage three years ago and now we are working with some of the most talented athletes in the world like Jeremy Jones, Forrest Shearer, Lucas Debari, Mitch Toelderer, Bibi Pekarek, Ralph Backstrom, to name a few. Thank you to everyone who has supported us along the way. Innovate. Ride. Explore.

4th of July on the North Twin Sister

There is some fun summer shredding going on right now. Our friend Kael Martin sent us this nice little report of his trip with Lucas Debari and friends. A Mountain Adventure to Celebrate America’s Independence Lucas Debari, Kael Martin, Anthony Gervais, Calvin Patterson, Daniel Sandberg, Jerry Mark, Quinn Baumberger, Cody Garrington July 4th, 2012 was a unique day not only because it marked the bicentennial of the War of 1812 in which America went to battle with our northern neighbor Canada, but also seemed to be the beginning of summer in the Pacific Northwest. It was hard to complain about

By |July 26th, 2012|Categories: Explore, Ride, Splitboarding|Tags: , , , |1 Comment
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